Karol Janowski


View the Project on GitHub kaarlych/resume

Java Developer

🏄‍♂️ About me:

Hi, my name is Karol Janowski. In 2022 I changed my career path from tax corporate lawyer to java backend developer and become a part of a second edition of Zajavka project made by Karol Rogowski and Bartek Borowczyk (aka Programming Samurai) which is by far the most complex and advanced java course on polish market ever made. In the meantime I also joined one of the biggest java international learning community made by Mama Samba Braima Nelson (aka Amigoscode) and I’m continue on this path to this day. I’m also a big fan of neovim and terminal customization. After hours you will probably find me windsurfing in Rewa-Poland or playing with my cat (which is sitting next to me right now trying to help me write this resume).